Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A photo from Superbowl Sunday with a short description...

As I wrote in a previous post, I went to Bar Zear-bide a little while back to celebrate the most American of pasttimes: watching commercials during some dumb, 5 hour-long show about two captains who hate each other. No, I'm not talking The Hunt for Red October, nor Crimson Tide, nor U571. Did you know that the show networks air in the space they can't fit commercials into is called the Superbowl? It's true. Wikipedia it if you haven't heard of it. Anyways, at this party to watch commericials, there was some random guy who was blazed out of his mind on marijuana and had a good amount of beer. For most of the night, he stood completely upright, eyes closed, slowly drinking out of a completely empty glass. Everyone kind of enjoyed his presence in a schadenfreude sort-of sense. Eventually he put the glass down and leaned back against the wall. He fell asleep. Standing up. Everyone started laughing and taking photos with him. Here is some evidence:

1 comment:

  1. Haha! That is a delightful vignette. It's surprising how much a schadenfreude scenario can add to an evening.
