Monday, February 2, 2009

Bar Zear-bide

Bar Zear-bide is one of hundreds of Basque bars in Bilbao. Like all the others, its menues are in Euskera first, Spanish second and the grafitti in its bathrooms are always in Euskera (and the occaisional English phrase). But unlike all the other Basque bars that closed early yesterday, Bar Zear-Bide stayed open late. Very late. 5 AM late. It adorned its walls last night (and last night only) with hundreds of removable American flag stickers. It hung a large American flag above the place. It rented a big screen. It put Cardinals and Steelers helmets on the beer tap's faucets. Jerseys were hung on the ceiling. All in the name of a little football.

I don't care about Arizona. And to be honest, I rather dislike the Steelers. But last night, for some reason, I decided to get very into the game. I decided to root for Arizona because I like underdogs and I remember their awwwfulll record only a few years back. I went in a large group split evenly between Arizona and Pittsburgh fans (though scant few of us cared before last night). The bar was packed with Americans (and people from other English speaking countries that showed up just for the chance to speak English). Nobody cared more about the game than Courtney, who is from Pittsburgh. Well, nobody except Taylor, who placed €70 that the Cardinals would beat the six point spread. Both Courtney and Taylor went home happy that night.

Nothing much else to say. Yesterday I ate dinner with the family of a friend. I had forgotten how good real food tastes after eating at our residencia. It was so nice for a change. mmm....

Oh yeah! The other day we found flies in our soups in the cafeteria. I went out for a ke-bab that night.

1 comment:

  1. OK! You've convinced me the food is bad at the residencia. Now will you not complain about my chicken?!!

    Dad is in New Orleans, but I watched the Superbowl last night and also routed for Arizona. I really didn't have a preference, but decided for Arizona because of Kurt Warner. What a fun game to watch though! And I really like how quick the game moves since they show very entertaining commercials at all the breaks. I assume you got the commercials too, right? My favorite was the Mafia one at the diner.

    Glad you got to visit in someone's home. Was the family nice? Was it the home of your roommate, or someone else?

    Love ya

