Saturday, January 31, 2009

me da pena....

Well, I certainly hope no one from here in Spain reads this following post...

...I got turned down by a girl here two days ago. Ouch. If you think getting turned down in English is bad, try hearing it in Spanish. And tonight she went out with a boy I am very certain she likes. Double ouch. And I know he likes her. Triple ouch. While they are at some bar or show or who knows what, I sit here alone. At least the sandwich vending machine actually gave me two sandwiches...

·sigh· Superbowl tomorrow...


  1. No hay quinto malo. También, puede ser.

  2. Or would it be...
    si al principio usted no tenga éxito, vuelva a intentarlo.

  3. Ah! I see there's an elite club going on here! Those who speak Spanish. Hmmmm. I'm impressed, to be honest. I never knew you knew Spanish Jess.

  4. I took Spanish I and II in HS and French I and II. but honestly I don't remember much...I've got to give props to Google on this one. :)

  5. Yeah, I was about to say, using the subjunctive 'tenga' outside of desires/wishes is pretty darn advanced.
